
What do e.g. Chemistry, English, Law, or your subject have to do with Sustainable Development?

In a personal meeting or a workshop (for larger groups) we jointly identify possible links between your specialist area and Sustainable Development. Rather than starting with standard connections, we search for specific links to the main topics of your courses.

How can I design my lesson or course to make Sustainable Development interesting and comprehensible to my students?

If you have questions on didactic-methodological issues, e.g. how Sustainable Development can be integrated into a lesson or course, then the team from the Educational Development Unit are there to help.

We would be pleased to organize a workshop or a coaching session with you, or have a personal discussion to help you find the answers to your questions. Our services are primarily aimed at employees of the University of Bern, but we are also happy to take on mandates from institutions or individuals from outside the University.  

Please contact us at: